Tomorrow Came

Tomorrow Came Release date Feb 26, 2021

Tomorrow Came

Sometimes there’s a song that feels like a good addition, like a worthy track to include in the body of work, but it turns out to be more than that, jumping out and demanding first up attention. ‘Tomorrow Came’ is that track.
This is one for the car, a driving song, when you can almost see the taillights driving off, getting further ahead and out of reach, where it all got away and middle age is here, old age is coming – if you’re lucky.
“I picked out people / I tried to blame / Then Tomorrow Came’
In the spirit of the Heartbreakers, Justin Weaver’s yearning electric guitar reminds, hints, at the impermanence of it all, how nothing is forever, while the engine of Jimmy Paxson’s drums and Chris Autry’s bass guitar make the journey all possible, make the trip so worthwhile.
‘All these steppingstones / You & me / We found love around / Where no part used to be / We thought forever / You the same / Then Tomorrow Came’

Written by Jack Nolan
Recorded at ‘Welcome to 1979’ in Nashville TN 2020.
Produced by Justin Weaver
Engineered by Chris Mara.
Mixed by Chris Mara & Justin Weaver
Mastered by Ryan Smith, Sterling Sound Nashville TN.
Jack Nolan – Vocals & guitars
Justin Weaver – Electric Guitars, slide & backing vocals
Jimmy Paxson – Drums
Chris Autry – Bass
Phil Towns – Keys

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