Recorded: February 2022

SHE KNEW is the fourth cut from Jack’s next LP set for release mid ’23.

What started as a little fingerpicker became this punchy alt folk pop number that grabs you from the top.

Featuring Jack’s Gretsch fingerpicking hanging off Justin Weavers powerful electric guitar hooks, this song moves along at the pace of a storyteller running away.

Regret, joy, love, and redemption all play a part in this poetic soundscape.


Driving down to my mining town

I was swerving

I turned the wheel

I was drifting lanes

He’d broken down in traffic

I told her I loved her

She Knew


And when all is said and done you can only do what’s possible; you can only be responsible for yourself.

Listen for the brilliant Jimmy Paxon @jimmypaxon  & Chris ‘Cowboy’ Autry @autbra11 that holds it all up with yet another masterful Justin Weaver @notnotweaver soundscape,  production & electric guitar masterclass .

Basic Credits

By Jack Nolan

Produced by Justin Weaver

Recorded @ Welcome to 1979 Nashville, February, 2022

Engineered by Chris Mara

Mixed by Mitch Furr @ Early Bird Studio Nashville

Mastered by Bobbi Giel @ Welcome to 1979


Personnel Credits

Jack Nolan – Vocals & guitars

Justin Weaver – Electric & acoustic guitars

Jimmy Paxson – Drums & percussion

Chris Autry – Bass guitar