Released Jun 19, 2020


My looping steel guitar, finger picked, rolls through this track to create a magical train ride, with images of the surf, local buses and surfside life passing by. It’s flooded with affection for my home. The song is just memories, written in a cryptic way, all these flashes. If you know the little kids train down there at the beach, well that’s “the Bronte Train”. I had rides on it when I was young and my kids had rides on it when they were growing up. And it really is “still the same.” I can still see the Bogey Hole too, which in that era my recollection is that it was a refuge for old men who’d lost the strength to take on the surf, so they’d all retreat to this rock pool that the surf still hit but was tempered by the rock pool surrounding it. “The chain gang take a grip / Old men won’t tell you what they know / Their secrets never leave / The Bogey Hole


Jack – acoustic, Dobro resonator guitar, vocal.
Siobhan Maher Kennedy – harmony vocal.
Hamish Stuart – drums. Alexander Hewetson –
Double bass. Bob Stamper – acoustic guitar, mandolin.
Brendan St Ledger – piano.
Kris Donegan – electric guitar.
Russ Pahl – pedal steel guitar.
Mike Poole – additional electric guitar.

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