New Album 2024
Songs of beauty and tension, reflection and hope
Based in Sydney, Australia, singer songwriter Jack Nolan has been performing and releasing music and albums since the mid 1990’s.
Within Nolan’s music, mysterious and shimmering chords unite his sound. Once quaintly described as ‘Darlinghurst Country’ his sound unites elements of folk, country, rock ‘n’ roll and ambient atmospheres fusing Nolan’s passion for intensely charged electric guitar and finger-picked acoustic guitar.
Of recent years, the critically acclaimed 2018 album ‘Our Waverley Star’ and the equally impressive 2021 ‘Gabriel’ was followed by yet another long player in 2023, the critically acclaimed ‘Jindabyne’.
In all these ethereal story books one senses that the rebel is never far away. After those covid years of stolen liberties the artist was wise enough to batten down the hatchets, work hard and write, producing these rich song collections as we all staggered to arrive back to that place we’d all drifted too far from, the simple things, love and reality, family, and community.
This year 2024 sees the artist continue his long association with Nashville producer/musician Justin Weaver, taking a delicate turn from electric instruments, replaced with mandolin, resonator slide and banjo for his latest eleven track album ‘Songs for Hemingway’ released 11th October 2024.